Just Released
Becoming -
Evolving in a World That Holds Us Back
by Lanny Goodman
The premise of this book is simple...we are all here to evolve. That means Becoming more aware, more thoughtful, more skilled, more giving, more loving.
Yet we find that at every turn, humanity as it exists today, and
the cultural artifacts humanity has created, inhibit our Becoming, meaning they leave us being less than we are capable of being.
The chief problem is that much of what inhibits our Becoming we take for granted and assume that what we experience is just how life is.
It may take years, decades, or we may never see through what we have been taught as life's realities. However, we have the ability to penetrate the facades and ask the hard questions necessary to find paths forward that facilitate rather than inhibit our Becoming.
In Becoming, Goodman goes directly at the heart of each subject in the Table of Contents. Each chapter is succinct, direct, and takes a non-nonsense view of the world we live in, the profound ways it holds us back, and how we can free ourselves from the cultural constraints with which we have all grown up.
Table of Contents
Symptoms and Root Causes
Reality Constructs
Open or Closed
Intelligence of the Universe
Trauma, Experience, & Awareness
Timelines and Regrets
Judgment & Acceptance
Wisdom of the Body
Jumping Scale
About Lanny Goodman
This is not a book you breeze through and put aside. Each chapter is likely to be a seed that may not sprout right away. It is likely that weeks, months, or even years from now your life circumstances will call a chapter to mind and you will find yourself reaching for the book for guidance in sorting out what life's puzzle you are currently gnawing on.
The odds are excellent that with each visit, you'll come away from the Becoming book with greater clarity, focus, and confidence in the path forward you see in front of you.
Becoming -
Evolving in a World That Holds Us Back
Paperback - 112 Pages
ISBN 979-8-218-40748-3
US $ 24.97 plus shipping & handling.
In reading Becoming, it almost felt as if I was at a coffee shop with an old friend, talking about all the things I love to talk about and explore. I appreciated all the topics you covered (particularly the way you spoke about Open/Closed and Judgement/Acceptance) and savored each short little chapter, bit by bit. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it'll be one of the few books that actually makes it to my tiny bookshelf for me to revisit in the future.
Erin Pheil, Founder, The MindFix Group​
Becoming: Evolving in a World That Holds Us Back is a cool drink of fresh water for a world that is dried to its bones by rules, expectations, and norms that demand conformity rather than authenticity. If you want to be your true, best, authentic self, Becoming is a must-read.
Christopher G. Kenny JD, Consultant
Becoming - Evolving in a World That Holds us Back is both a thoughtful and an insightful exploration into the many aspects of developing your unique inner being. Each chapter focuses on the challenges and resistance we face, both in the world around us and in our own developed behavior, and how our own inner perception can guide us to become more fully aware of our own unique presence - to Become. This is an exploration well worth reading!
Amy M. Kramer Perry, retired early childhood Montessorian and middle school librarian.
I have just completed reading Lanny Goodman's latest book, Becoming. I found it truly inspiring; Lanny has managed to grasp and interpret the deepest essence of our times. We are becoming! We know not exactly what, but the driving impetus is unrelenting. Becoming underlies all the questions and divisions of our times, and shows us that the so-called "answers" lie only in the process of our growth. Lanny outlines from his own experience the insights and corresponding actions each of us needs to undertake to facilitate our growth and subsequent adjustment to what unfolds. This is a brilliant discussion of our new paradigm and revelation of a greater reality, as well as an excellent guide with which to proceed. Everyone should read this book!
Diane Drummond, author, The Voice from the Back Row: Off the Bandwagon
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